Friday, May 29, 2009

shiny vinyl weekender bag

The weather this week has been all over the place. These pictures were taken when it was gorgeous and sunny, but ever since it's been down pouring! I've been wearing myself thin lately, so today and tomorrow are going to consist of pajamas, DVDs and Kernel's popcorn. Tonight the movie is "New In Town", possibly the worst film of all time, but I do love Harry Connick Jr.
It just so happened that when I was in New York a few weeks ago, I was there just in time for the Tracy Feith for Target collection. I would say that this collab was my favourite one ever, the dresses all fit like a dream. This one is lovely, but it's shockingly short!! I'm still figuring out how to wear it without exposing my bottom!
Hope you all have a lovely Friday.

Monday, May 25, 2009

oh what a night, late december back in '63

Hey Loves,
It was a really good weekend! I went to visit my best friend T and some of her university friends. We stayed out until very late (early?) in the morning and had a great time. I remember getting hit on by a guy in McDonald's and responding, "Sorry, I'm 15." He bought it, and I got my chicken McNuggets, so it all worked out. I wore this to work the day before I left.

Wearing H&M jacket, Cheap Monday, F21, MJ purse.
It took me about an hour to write this post, because I can't stop watching Ricky Gervais on youtube. Sleep well loves! xx

Craigslist: No Liars! (Po Thang)

Friday, May 22, 2009

here comes the sun, little darlin

Hi Pretties,
TGIF! No matter how much you love your job, (and I do love mine) Fridays are the best day ever. I was supposed to go visit my very best friend tonight, but I was so tired that I decided to leave tomorrow instead.
Speaking of tomorrow, its my Mama's birthday! So happy birthday to my dearest Mummy! You're my best friend in the world, I have so much fun with you and I love you to pieces.
Mummy leaning in to give me a kiss in London back in 1990. She is ten times more glamorous and beautiful than I can ever hope to be.

Taking a break from outfit posts, yesterday was sweltering hot:

(my Alice Dellal hair)

Welcome to part of my closet. This part was built as an extension, I'm still working on organizing it. Also, there is a pair of shoes missing from on top.My bustier in blue! When I find things I like, I buy them in multiples. Too many times have I found something I love only to ruin it somehow; now I try never to make that mistake. It comes in black too, I'm debating if I should pick it up as well? Two of my Matthew Williamson for H&M purchases. I tend to go crazy for designer collabs.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!! xx

edit: Whoops! I forgot to cite what I was wearing. Bustier from Walmart, jeans are men's H&M jeans which I cut into A. Wang-a-like shorts.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

where were you last night?

It was Victoria Day Weekend in Canada (or May 2-4 as many like to call it - the tradition is to go up to a cottage and finish a 24 pack of beer over the weekend) this past weekend. I spent the weekend visiting my best friend in New York going mad at Target.
Came home on Sunday night and made it out to The Social. Some good djays were playing, and Bronques from lastnightsparty was there. There are two pictures of me and a couple of my friends and I on the site. There are some naughty photos of other girls on there, don't say I didn't warn you ;)

(photo credit: lastnightsparty)

I wore UO tights, Gap tshirt, AA lame skirt, Aritzia blazer, Go Jane shoes and my brand spankin new Target purse.

Friday, May 15, 2009

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

If you know me, you know that I try to stay positive as much as possible. I believe in trying to give off good energy, but, I have to be honest - today was terrible. It seemed to be one of those days where absolutely nothing goes my way. From making dumb mistakes at work, to pouring scalding boiling water on my leg (now blistered and horrible), everything seemed to just go wrong.
Thankfully, I'm going to visit my best friend tomorrow! She lives in New York and I can't wait to see her! We met while studying in Greece and Italy during a few summers ago (I spent two high school summers taking classes in Europe) and became kindred spirits immediately. I still haven't packed... and most likely am going to leave it until tomorrow morning before I go (at 7 am!!!)
Just when I thought there was no way my day could get better, I checked my email to find a bright and shiny letter from the University of Toronto telling me I'd been admitted to transfer there!! I am so excited! I love my current university so much and all my friends there, but my life really is in Toronto, and its very difficult for me to be living away and travelling home on weekends for various social commitments. Next year I'll be living and learning downtown, and I can't wait for this next chapter in my life. I couldn't help but take some pictures by one of the U of T campuses on my way home after dinner.
Maybe a wee bit too much wine at supper? I wore a Vero Moda cape, and a Matthew Williamson for H&M vest that I picked up yesterday!
Off to bed for me now, next week I'm looking forward to putting a lot more time into blogging, I really miss reading everybody's blogs daily! Also, I'm going to be doing a hair/makeup post next week so if you have any questions about that stuff, that you want to ask me, please leave them! xox

Now, that's one Big School Principal

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Facial Expressions of Malia Obama

One has to wonder what exactly is on the mind of the littlest Obama girl. Her cute facial expressions make my day so much that I thought I'd have a little fun with them. Enjoy:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

gravity is working against me

Hello Loves
Life is crazy!! It seems to be a cycle of coffee, work, dinner plans, blogging, sleep. I get home at about 8 or 9 pm every evening, so I don't get much time to myself anymore, resulting in not enough time to put into blogging and checking out new and favourite blogs the way I'd like to. Tomorrow I double booked myself and have two dinner plans by accident! One with a best friend, and other with old friends from Europe. Wish me luck pulling it off! Haha

I have an exciting weekend coming up, involving going to NY to visit my best friend who lives there, and then coming back in time for two awesome events in Toronto on Sunday night. I will definitely try and take pictures.
This shoot was a lot of fun.
Wearing: Madonna for H&M Jacket, AA zip up body suit, Ray Bans, MJ purse, Forever21 boots
All jewellery except my Hermes cuff is my mothers, and all if it is vintage (found in the same random box in my basement as this leaf cuff) except the awesome Juicy Couture ring on my left hand. Belt is vintage too.
I love this jacket for its structured shoulder pads - not quite Balmain, but still good.

Monday, May 11, 2009

kicking down doors

Spent some of yesterday in and around Queen's Quay for Mother's Day (I love you Mum!). We went to one of Toronto's biggest wine stores and sampled a few bottles. If you know me, you know my drink of choice is always red wine, though I do enjoy Soho Sevens (lychee liquer and 7up) when out.
I felt lazy and dirty so I put on baggy clothes. These boots make me feel like clomping around and jumping on stuff!
Mens Jeans by BDG, Sunnies by NastyGal Vintage, Shirt by AA, Bra by UO, Scarf by Pucci and Juice by Whole Foods.
Pucci scarves are my go to accessory when I don't feel like washing my hair. I have a tradition where I pick up a new one in every city I travel to. Sadly, they stopped making my favourite cotton ones (I feel less guilty wrapping them on greasy hair), but they make a silk version like this one. Mum says the way I tied it reminds her of Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy... I prefer to think of it as my take on the gangster bandana.

PS some of you asked if I have twitter, I do! Its not horribly interesting, and more personal than fashion related. But if you're interested its here.

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