Now is one of those times.
Nothing like the 'broken and snapped legs effect' for pure sexiness. Jepeddo would be proud.

You can just hear the photographer saying, "Just, well, do what you want. I'm gonna scoot to Mickey D's and get a Chicken Crispy. When I come back have a nice, creative pose for me to shoot." Uh, yeah.

Ah, nothing like the turantula. Because some people like to have their head -- and feet -- on the ground at the same time.

You can always tell someone who used to breakdance as a tween. Only thing is, when they're 25, the parts don't move the same. Could get stuck.

And of course, the ole half-way-outta-my-seat, robotic-turn-of-head thing. Sweet.

This has got to be another one where the photographer must have stepped out of the room, took a dump or something. And when he comes back, "Whoa, I like it. The ole stuck-in-the-closet pose."

And with this one, the photographer told her to get a prop. She gets a butcher knife. Talk about sexy. And don't forget the turkey wing-leg in the sink.

This is something your 3-year-old would do. Only they'd be funnin'. She, on the other hand, is about to break her pelvis.

Aaah, the half-way monkey climb. I like.

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