Thursday, April 30, 2009

c'mon baby play me something like here comes the sun

Hey Loves!
It's been a good week. Lots of appointments and lots of fun too - busy busy, just how I like it. I've misplaced my calendar in my move home though, so I'm falling apart a little bit without it. I keep both a day planner and a calendar, and when they're out of sync, everything becomes scattered. I really need to start unpacking!

Spent yesterday with my lovely mother. We had afternoon tea and then went to some thrift stores and a Chinese market. I got a coconut-taro bubble tea with tapioca, which may be one of my favourite things ever, though I always get so full after only finishing 1/4 of it.
This look is inspired by Alex Wang's concept of "M.O.D". Wearing a thrifted plaid shirt, Abercrombie tank, Habitual Jeans and Jeffrey Campbell shoes. I've had these jeans for something like 5 years, and even though they're 2 sizes smaller than the size I wear now, they still seem to fit, I love how I've worn them in - I can hardly believe they used to be a dark indigo.

I'm also excited about my new bag! I'm not really a bag person - I get excited by shoes and clothes. I carry a Marc Jacobs Stam every day, and rotate 2 envelope clutches for the evening. But, as I'll be overseas this summer, I needed a huge bag to carry everything I need. After debating over a great Cole Haan classic tote, and some fun Marc by Marc's, I came across this Joe Fresh bag which is exactly what I need for so much cheaper - and it can carry a litre of water, 4 magazines and my Canon rebel comfortably. Perfect.

p.s. for those of you who asked about shiny eyelids - I never noticed it before but I'm glad you like it! My "secret" is to rub Carmex on my eyelashes before I put on mascara and eyeliner. The wax sticks my eyelashes up so I don't have to curl them before mascara (I'm convinced curlers are terrible for your lashes), and also makes it easy to line my eyes b/c the pencil just glides along. I guess the residue makes my lids shiny as a result!

Monday, April 27, 2009

the littlest things that take me there

Hi Lovelies.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... it is SO good to be home. In all my travels I've fallen in love with so many cities, but Toronto will always be my home. This past week has been full of dinners/lunches out, shopping, hanging with my family and seeing friends. Last night was the farewell party for my best friend/partner in crime Dani (who has been on my blog a bunch before) who is going to be a hippie in BC for the summer. I am not sure what I'm going to do without her!
Yesterday I went thrifting downtown and stopped in at some of my favourite stores, like 69 Buy the Pound, a vintage store that sells clothes by the pound. It was a gorgeous sunny day until out of NOWHERE the sky turned black and began to downpour. I picked up an awesome plaid shirt and a few dresses.

Deceivingly sunny weather

Running out of 69 Vintage with my loot

We took shelter in Queen Mother Cafe on Queen West for some delicious edamame and sticky rice.

I wore a Matthew Williamson for H&M scarf (thank you to my lovely friend who lined up for me while I was stuck out of town - I love you!!), BDG Mens jeans, Cheap Monday top, Free People lace bandeau, AA hoodie and H&M leather jacket.
Thank you so much to Ine at DecafINE for featuring some of my past outfits last week - you can check out her blog here.
Hope you all had an amazing weekend!

Friday, April 24, 2009

i turn my camera on

Hello Lovelies,
I am hooomeeee!! So excited and happy to be back in Toronto and done with 2nd year university. Today was great, this morning I lazed around and caught up on the Vogues I've missed since January, and this afternoon me and Daddy walked around Whole Foods. Tonight I'm going out for dinner and then watching 17 Again with my family, and then possibly seeing friends later on.
I got a new camera!! I've been needing an upgrade for a while (my Sony Cybershot has been dying a slow painful death), and my parents surprised me yesterday with a Canon Rebel xs. I'm obsessed with it.

Wearing a Talula blazer, Club Monaco tank top, Cheap Monday studded pants, Kenneth Jay Lane studded cuff, assorted rings, Jessica Simpson shoes.
I rarely wear these pants but I rediscovered them today! I love the studs on them. I also bought a new blingin ring (the one on my index finger on the left hand) yesterday and I'm in love with it.
Hope you all are having a lovely Friday! xx

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Goodwill Hunting

Today is the day before my last exam, so why am I finding it so hard to study? You would think that I would be even more motivated because there is only one left but.. nope.

A couple weeks ago I attended my local Goodwill's 99cent sale. For 30 dollars I got so many lovely items, about about 20 blazers (including last post's) for only a dollar a piece! Today's coat was from there too. It is soo tacky in the best way possible, I fell in love as soon as I saw it. And for 99cents - how can you say no?? Wearing thrifted coat, AA pleather tube dress, random white tee, NastyGal Vintage sunnies.

I was recently interviewed by the lovely Michelle at La Bloesj. You can see it here. It's in Dutch, so I'll post a couple of my answers here:
How do you describe your own fashionstyle?
I would describe my daytime style as comfortable chic. I usually wear high heels, but I have a large collection of flat boots to wear during Canadian winters. At night, I go for a more “rock and roll” look, with tight fitting dresses and statement accessories. I always like to have a little edge to what I’m wearing.
Do you shop often, and what are your favourite stores?
I am ALWAYS shopping. My favourite stores are Holt Renfrew and Aritizia (Canadian stores) and vintage stores. My favourite designers are Marc Jacobs, Elizabeth and James, Marni, Alexander Wang, Donna Karen and Stella McCartney. I also shop at Forever 21, H&M, American Apparel and Urban Outfitters for less expensive everyday clothes and GoJane for inexpensive shoes.
What is your favourite trend of this moment?
I really love massive platform heels, as well as baggy boyfriend style jeans for summer.
Do you have a fashiontip or a last word for the visitors of
Fashion is meant to be fun! Play around with colours and fabrics, don’t be afraid to wear something that no one else is wearing. Never wear something just because it is trendy, always put your own personal touch onto your outfit.
Anyways! Back to the books for me. Next time you hear from me I will be as free as a bird!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pure Poetry

Hello Lovelies!
I just finished my Shakespeare exam! It went well, so I'm taking the night off. So far I've had a lovely sushi dinner with friends and been to the grocery mart for cookie dough and blueberries.
I'm getting pretty tired of whats in my closet at school right now. The majority of my clothes are at home, but here's what I put on yesterday:
Wearing: Vintage blazer, Joe Fresh pajama top, Twenty8Twelve trousers, UO heels.
You know you're in exam time when you try to incorporate as much of your pajamas as possible into your outfit hah! I bought these pants last summer in Palm Beach and I am so glad I did. Say whatever you may about Sienna Miller, but her and her sister's line does NOT suck.

Its raining out, so tonight I'm staying at a friends house to read magazines and watch Sex and the City dvds. She wants to watch the third season because she loves Aiden, but I MUCH prefer The Russian. I mean , Mikhail Baryshnikov as Aleksandr Petrovsky, it does not get sexier than that. 5'6, an intellectual, and friends with Oscar de la Renta? Sign me up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

pick up the receiver - i'll make you a believer

Hello Everyone,
Exams make my head hurt. Studying makes me want to scream. All I can think about is all the shopping/eating out/going out I want to do when I get home. 2 down, 2 to go, one week today I will be writing my last exam.
Needless to say, my style turns to crap during exam season. Yesterday I washed my hair for the first time in over 3 days. So nasty. I wore this to pick up some Goldfish crackers and Starbucks (venti earl grey tea misto with soy milk, NO SYRUP) Even when I tell the baristas multiple times that I do not want vanilla syrup, 9 times out of 10 I end up getting it anyways. Grr.

I realize how unearthly pale I am in these pictures. My friends all call me a vampire, I'm white like a sheet. I used to be an avid tanner - I LOVED the sun and the look of tan skin, still do, but I decided this year to accept my God-given pale skin. The sun is so damaging, and sacrificing a tan now will be worth it when I have less wrinkles in 40 years. But... its easy enough to say that in the winter time, with summer around the corner, I can't promise I won't lie out a couple times!
I love this beanie, it looks like a sea anemone! I wore an H&M jacket, AA bodycon dress, MJ bag and GoJane shoes (this shoes are so comfortable and would be great for partying in, but they are SO high that if I wear them with my nighttime outfits I look a little bit too much like a street walker)
Anyways, for those of you in exams - I feel your pain and wish you the best, Love!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

hoppy easter!!

Hello Bunnies!
Happy Easter to you all! I didn't celebrate Easter much this year, which is a huge bummer. Usually the fam and I go to church on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, as well as a big dinner with my extended family, but this year since I was quarantined (thank you to everyone who gave some sympathy haha - I am feeling all better now!!) and because of looming exams, I wasn't able to do anything. However, so far I've polished off a bag of M&M's and a bunch of gummies, so I'm doing alright on the candy front.

These pictures were taken in the parking lot of my favourite grocery store - it was deserted because everything is closed for the holiday!
Wearing a sheer Abercrombie button up, Forever 21 boyfriend jeans and Urban Loafers.

Posting will be sporadic over the next week but I'm going to update as best I can. Tomorrow and Tuesday are my two hardest exams (Literary Criticism and Shakespeare), so after that it should be smooth sailing. Welcome to my life for the next two weeks:
Hope you're all full up on chocolate by now, Love.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Follow my blog with bloglovin´

Two quick administrative things quickly! You can now follow me on bloglovin (what a cool idea, I can't believe I never used it before!) AND if you have any questions or concerns about my blog please feel free to email me at (yes, my full name is Elizabeth Victoria, but that's a mouthful)
Last night Dani and I went to see Steve Aoki, MSTRKRFT and Bloody Beetroots downtown. The venue was a little bit too big and sweaty, and the crowd wasn't really the kind I tend to hang with (etc lots of girls in bikini tops and jeans, and some very happy people dressed in day glow colours with glow sticks), but it was a great show nevertheless. I wore this:
Vintage tuxedo blazer, AA mesh dress with AA tube dress underneath, Go Jane shoes and Stella McCartney for H&M belt. My mum found that cuff in our basement in a box of old jewellery - how wicked is it?!?
Anyways happy Good Friday everyone, and I'll leave you with a picture of my fiercest modelling pose.Ferosh. (edit: i am 100% joking)
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