Thursday, September 2, 2010

Photo Boy

If it hadnt been for Mystic's nudge, the new GQ photoshoot tasters would have completely passed me by! I've been a bit preoccupied with my duathlon training schedule compounded by more than a slight overload of Mantis bump news..... anyway....

OB apparently is in GQ US, and you've guessed it, he's on a bike!

I know, I know - the shock is all too much - still he looks quite cute in a scruffy kind of way - obviously the "wedding" and Mantis spawn press releases have managed to get both of them into the magazines this month!

Also, OB's witness statement has been released by E-online here . It made a fairly amusing read all in all, I particularly enjoyed the bit when he seemed to infer that the Panty Mantis wasn't living with him and also the volume of Deus stuff he had robbed. If she could read English, I'm sure he'd pay dearly for that slip but as it wasnt translated into dingoese, he'll probably get away with it!

Poor bloke though, the whole thing does sound like a bit of a nightmare for him - hopefully now he'll invest in a safe!

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