Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Masterplan...

How glad I am to see our private Panty Mantis is swinging back in action with avengence and telling the world about her plans for her little one (in her belly).... Suprisingly it isn't world domination... well not yet anyway

But she has set her sites on Orlando yet again (you'd think she'd leave him alone, the poor bugger - i think we need to give Phree Orlando another boost). Apparently Orlando gets to change the nappies, I bet he's thrilled....

I won't do a digest of the article because Joders has already done such a fabulous job with it, and sometimes its better not try and improve on perfection.... (and NO Panty Mantis, I did not mean you with that comment!!) but if you've a brave heart and a strong stomach you can read it here though I feel it my duty as a responsible blogger to warn you that its largely made up of snippets from her Facebook with the old line about "being her incredible self" thrown in for good measure..

Its nice to see the brand of Baby Bloom is alive and well and building an identity prior to its entry to the world, poor thing - I imagine it will be modelling its own baby care range by 6 months..

In other news, Orlando is apparently set to start on Albert Nobbs in November. I've been hoping this one wont be put back and back like so many of the others really wanting to see this one, fingers crossed it gets off the ground this time!

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