Monday, September 20, 2010

A final word on the "wedding"....

Wanda, Joders... I just wanted to check you were ok after Orlando's big reveal in the times, you must be gutted.... Just thinking that our happy couple so callously ignored your offers to be bridesmaids makes me spit... I'm really sorry you guys missed out...

It must be some consolation though to know that you weren't the only ones to miss out, their friends and families were also not invited. After months of silence on the subject, Orlando finally had this to say about it in the Times on Saturday:

Bloom, 33, got married himself in July, to the model Miranda Kerr, who he had been dating for three years and who is expecting their first child in January. “We decided to elope. It was the most romantic thing — a bit spur-of-the-moment, but so great, so lovely, just the perfect fit for us. The wedding was something we were planning, but when we got to the location we were thinking of doing it in, which was a private island in the Caribbean, we ended up thinking, why would we wait? Why don’t we just do it now? Our families and friends are spread so dramatically across the world, from Australia to the UK to America, and I’m going to be working for such a long stretch, that it was, you know ... the way we got to do it was wonderful. It was just us

I'm glad to hear from the horses mouth that loves young dream lives on but Im a bit confused though - our mantis had dresses flown in. You'd think if there was time to get a dress in from australia there would have been time to get some family in from there too? Obviously not! So they had time for dresses and I seem to recollect they had time for a top photographer to join them, though that of course is less suprising,
they tend to take one with them when they travel from what I've seen!

what is perhaps more odd is that Jared hasn't had a wedding exclusive yet? Actually silly me, I'm forgetting how private our happy couple are...

And just so our Annomyemus veewier is absolutely clear on this

Yes, I am Fat, Jellus and wanting Orlando all for myself - please dont feel the need to point this out to me again, its hard enough being tormented by the perfection of their twu luurve day in day out, without you adding it to it!

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