Well would you believe it, I checked my email this morning and look what had come in :
deare lusinder,
mye newe agente haz arsked mee to come backe to yew aboute mye bridezmaydes. Of couse eye wasnzt goinge to lette aniy of yew fat ugglee cowz neare my weddinge but Aileeen thynks thate it mighte save Orlandoes demo, um.... demo oh fuk it peoplee lyking orlandoe.
yew can telle wanda that she canne be won off mye bridezmaydes, and yew can selcte anover fatty to paiyre up with herr. I heare yew, joderz and those blogsowrth bytches are alll fat and jellus, so maybee yew coulde have a comptetion or somthinge.
One thinge though, I will have orlandoe guarded at alle tymes (I cante riske him runninge awaye with Viggo againe) and thayte meens that yew bytches cant trye to adbduct hime either. Eye've read "Operation Abduct Whorley" and yew arent' pulling thayte shyte on mee...
Ohe and yew canne starte organising mye hen do if yew lyke. eye'll sende yew the Kora catalgogue. EYe cante tell yew whene the dayte is yet, Orlandoe managed to escappe and eye havente managed to gette him backke.
Remmeber! Donte trye anythinge funneye.
So there we have it, finally she's responded (though I see no sign of a date as yet - I'm sure the Dingho's trackers are on the case as we speak poor boy)
Do I have any other volunteers to pair up with wanda as a bridesmaid - I'd offer to do it, but Orlando is legendarily careful with money and I'm not sure he'd be that pleased to have to pick up the cost of the flight from the UK!
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