With Orlando looking rather bemused and super svelte in Barcelona, (above from here) the Mantis has been left to her own devices again... Believe me, that is NEVER a good thing. Long experience of being a fat and jellus cow has taught me that left to her own devices, and without Orlando's sobering influence on her scheming, she's likely to come up with not so cunning plans rather swiftly..
Where to start?
Well for one her latest nekkid shoot was apparently in shot in Paris when she was there stomping down the catwalk like an underdressed turtle for Balenciaga - the problem I have with it is that the bump seems to be a completely different size. Maybe seeing as how she's so stunninge she has the equivalent of a dimmer switch attached to make it grow or shrink at her convenience?
Rumours seem to have resurfaced of Wedding mark II in australia - I REALLY hope this one is for real, I have lots of advice to offer and I still have the original wedding team ready to go
The final titbit out there this morning has made me laugh the most. I think we all know about the challenges the Mantis faces in stringing a sentence together well it seems she is unable to count too. The baby (in her bellie) is apparently going to gestate for anything between 7 and 12 months (depending on what you believe)... If its the latter at least it explains why she took so long to look preggers in the beginning....
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