Saturday, November 20, 2010

Live in my skin

Thanks to Bella we have a new and crowned queen of the Tubbies. This is pure quality - congratulations anomers you have won

*drum roll*

The Best Overall Snarktastic Contender Tubby for 2010

Allow me to recommend LIve in my skin :

and share a few choice extracts with you

On daily routine:

Hey guys! People were asking me about what I eat to keep this wonderful figure so I thought Id post up my daily diet for you guys as well as my daily routine so you guys can live like me – live in my skin. Enjoy.

Wake up at 4.30am. Check social networking sites. Brush teeth. Lick mirror (10 calories). Recite 10 affirmations to myself. No shower as the water makes you weigh more. Brush hair. Kiss Frankie. Consume flea (5 calories). Weigh self. Prepare breakfast.

and this

Shout at Orlando (-200 cals). Check social networking sites. Buff/paint nails. Nap. Weight self. Prepare dinner.

Replying to her guests:

Thanks for asking Ghandi hon. The little one is doing amazing. Kicking and moving, my back is killing me but I guess it doesnt help sticking my arse out all the time. Love Therese xxx

Congratulations Live in my Skin - we at TSO salute you!

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