Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The "New" Groundhog Day

Our Panty Mantis doesn't miss a trick does she? It must have finally sunk in that one of the disadvantages of getting "married" is that you are no longer able to tease the worlds press (well at least those few that are still interested) with whether you will or not!

Bless her, I bet that was a painful few days of her brain grinding slowly along to work that one out, but panic not - she's found a new "groundhog" Day to use - whether or not she is pregnant

Now, I know I'm not often kind to the PM, when she asked us for advice on how to deal with a post "wedding' Orlando, I ignored her; when she wanted bridesmaids, I made sure I picked the most stunning of us to participate (in fact that is probably why she ended up with a super sekrit "wedding")

but I thought it really was only fair to point this out to her... so ... here goes...

Miranda (see I am being nice, I'm using your actual name) the baby idea is probably quite a good replacement for the engaged / not engaged story but there is one significant draw back.... you are going to have to come up with a baby if you confirm its true. Now, there are plenty of places you can get hold of one if you need (Ask Orlando to talk to Brad and Ange, they should be able to point you in the right direction for one that's the right age) but be aware that once you "announce" it and how far gone you are, that starts an inexorable countdown that carliii will not be able to spin you out of.

In simple terms: Announcement of baby = production of baby a maximum of 9 months later

(Oh, and I'd make sure your "husband" is in on on this one - it would be slightly awkward if he started demanding paternity tests in public....)

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