You know me, unlikely to devote a post to the Panty Mantis, and i won't entirely (i'm sure you'll be relieved to hear!) but when one of my favourite scurrilous gossip blogs also decides to demonstrate their fat'n'jellus credentials I just couldn't resist...
check it out - you gotta love Holy Moly
They evilly point out that she has clothes on, that her most recent photo shoot was decidedly slutty and sans a lot of artful lighting and airbrushing... how fat'n'jellus are they??? I know! Shocking!
Moving on (you see, I told you I would) no sign of Orlando...... He must be watching the world cup like every other male brit across the globe... wonder if he's actually there?
so in honor of the world cup.... another limerick
There was a young man from LA
Who liked watching England Play
His pet Mantis interrupted
And his temper errupted
and he told to get the f**k away!
Doesn't quite scan but you catch the drift....
C'Mon England!
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