Wednesday, March 17, 2010

you're cool as hell, i'm your biggest fan

Hi Friends,
These pictures were taken after my good friend Lynsie and I went to the MTV headquarters to see a special interview taping with Kelly Cutrone. Along with a few other Toronto bloggers, we were invited to watch the taping and then for a press meeting afterwards about the new MTV magazine, Fora. Kelly was SO great to listen to. Surprisingly, unlike most reality stars, she was actually real, and took time to talk to girls during commercial breaks.
Unfortunately, immediately after I left the taping, I came down with some sort of radioactive superbug resulting in me doing nothing but lie in bed totally immobile for the past two days, and causing me to miss my favourite holiday (slash excuse to drink during the day). Anyhow, I hope you all had a fantastic St. Patty's and had a green beer (or three) for me.

I put this jacket together by buttoning a vintage fur stole to a five dollar army surplus jacket after seeing Kate Lanphear wearing THIS PIECE OF PERFECTION. I always imagined wearing this outfit with a pair of Alexander Wang "Freja" heels from S/S 2010, but, I suppose a girl's budget only goes so far. Other than that I'm wearing vintage rings, a Marc Jacobs purse, H&M top, Opening Ceremony Sweater and Zara wedges.
Off to bed, goodnight all xx E

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