Man! they are trying hard after yesterdays disaster... (Joders - again your account here had me on the floor, the pair of them must really hate time stamps and booked paparazzo who film the whole thing ... )
Anyway, whats the obvious thing to do when its become blindingly obvious to everyone (except a small contingent of ladies still worshipping at the shrine of St Orlando of Canterbury) that you do in fact do rather a lot of set ups with the paparazzi (as do most celebs, I might add - it doesn't make you a bad person OB it just makes you a bit of a sellout; and that in turn, makes us all a bit sad)...
you've guessed it - resort to that gospel of truth Twitter and here we have it...

Isn't that nice and oh! how sweet they are: Orlando and his panty mantis strolling through central park...... "caught" by the random passer by....(you see, it isn't only paparazzi that get shots of our favourite couple). Mind you, its a shame Orlando still looks like he's about to run from the hills at the first opportunity - maybe thats why she's holding onto him.
And do you want the even better news?
I can imagine, given the size of suitcase and the airing of bike (after its protracted time in David Blaine's garage) that we have a lot more of these to come. Methinks Orlando has been told to put his back into it after the screeching reports and various half assed photos...
you never know we might get back to engagement rumour 561 and we can all start up our gift club again for the happy couple... watch this space !
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