I came across this today courtesy of Popbitch, it rang a strangely familiar bell though it related to posh and becks...
" The tabloids are often interesting reading for what is not in them, rather than what is. We were intrigued to see report after report of the Beckhams "trying for a baby" and "romantic holiday" recently. There were surprisingly candid shots of the pair on holiday on a unnamed Caribbean island, the family's detailed itinerary and loads of flattering quotes about what a romantic time they were having. So why would a pair of multi-millionaires with a lifestyle of private jets and private islands allow so much access that us plebs could know everything about their romantic holiday and pregnancy intentions?"
If you take out the preganancy intentions, every word of this could apply to our favourite couple (i'm thinking that holiday in Sydney where they fancied working the Romeo and Juliet vibe). Shall we continue with the hallowed words of pop bitch?
"Well, that's the interesting question. Usually when you see these kind of stories,
the most likely interpretation is that they've been placed so that a less complimentary
tale fails to see the light of day. There are rumours circulating involving a US magazine and an attempt to break a confidentiality agreement but that might be entirely unrelated"
argghhh its just such rubbish, and its interchangeable between each celeb couple... so and so has problems, has a romantic holiday, is getting married, is breaking up....
so much hype and bollocks....
Oh Orlando.... were you always like this???
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