Sunday, August 9, 2009

more champagne, more doors, more floors

Aren't Sundays glorious? This weekend I took some time off of social events (the last two weeks were enough to last me a month) to chill, watch dvds and drink detox tea. With the boyfriend and other best friends out of town, I'm finally getting around to all the things on my seemingly never ending to do list. This week I'm visiting a bunch of apartments for next year, and even have a photoshoot or two scheduled.
These are the last of the photos from London, taken wandering around Camden Market on Saturday. It was probably one of my favourite times during my trip. I got some gorgeous vintage pieces and got to spend some time at the pub with my favourite cousins. These boots were purchased at the Doc Martin store in Covent Garden. I absolutely couldn't resist the metallic leather - they were calling my name!Have a gorgeous week lalas xx

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