Monday, August 31, 2009

life eat play work pillow

Hey Loves,
I just got back from the most incredible dinner out celebrating my last day at my internship. I had the best time interning at the magazine - I learned so much every day! Truly a great life experience, and now I can get excited about where I want to apply next! I realize it's been forever since I posted - I did my major move into my new apartment and all my things have been scattered!
As soon as I laid eyes on this dress, I had to have it. It's the second T by Alexander Wang piece I've picked up this month, and I can honestly say I'm obsessed with the brand. Perfect for layering and SO comfortable. I think next I'll be getting the Thermal Onsie and Classic Mini Pocket Dress.
Oh! I forgot to mention my most recent purchase - a pair of Sam Edelman Zoe's! I've wanted these for as long as I can remember, so when the gorgeous Lucrecia said she had extras, I certainly could not pass up the opportunity to own a pair.I am tres exhausted so it's off to sleep for me! Love xx.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

i'm not mister muscle but i can be loathsome and i can hustle you

I'm absolutely obsessed with this song by Sliimy right now. On top of being totally adorable, his sound is just so fun, and I die over his accent.
So far it's been a great weekend. Last night was spent celebrating with friends who finished writing MCATs and enjoying the weather by drinking on the patio. My parents are going away for the rest of the weekend so I plan on pulling a highschool move and throwing a party (just kidding Daddy!!)

Like so many other bloggers, I couldn't resist this amazing tshirt dress from the new H&M fall collection. These pictures were taken playing around in my new apartment, I can't wait to move in!!
Hope everyone has a glorious Sunday xx

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

des que j'te vois

Wanted to put up a quick post as I'm on my way out the door to go sign a lease for my brand new apartment! I found it this past weekend, in one of my favourite areas in Toronto! I'm so excited to move in, and though I know the stress of moving/uni starting back up is going to be killer, right now I'm just trying to enjoy the thought, I feel like such a grown up.
Say hello to my new Topshop shoes! Like every other blogger out there, I'm seriously kicking myself for not buying the Chloe Susan boots when I had the chance, but these are a wonderful substitute. I'm wearing an H&M studded vest and a torn Roxy dress.
With the recent heatwave we're having, I'm finding that all I'm wearing is oversized tshirts as dresses, which explains my lack of posting - it's hard to create fab outfits in this sweltering heat!
Have a lovely week all xo

Sunday, August 9, 2009

more champagne, more doors, more floors

Aren't Sundays glorious? This weekend I took some time off of social events (the last two weeks were enough to last me a month) to chill, watch dvds and drink detox tea. With the boyfriend and other best friends out of town, I'm finally getting around to all the things on my seemingly never ending to do list. This week I'm visiting a bunch of apartments for next year, and even have a photoshoot or two scheduled.
These are the last of the photos from London, taken wandering around Camden Market on Saturday. It was probably one of my favourite times during my trip. I got some gorgeous vintage pieces and got to spend some time at the pub with my favourite cousins. These boots were purchased at the Doc Martin store in Covent Garden. I absolutely couldn't resist the metallic leather - they were calling my name!Have a gorgeous week lalas xx

Monday, August 3, 2009

you spin me right round baby right round

Hey Beautifuls!
It was a long weekend here in Canada, so like most Torontonians, I left behind the hustle and bustle of the city to head to Muskoka, our cottage country. Now, cottages are meant to be places of relaxation and calm, but let me tell you I was NEITHER this weekend. We went up to our family friends' place, which has NO electricity or hot water - there wasn't even a shower! Needless to say, there are no outfit posts from this weekend, since I didn't wear much more than plaids and men's jeans, and my hair turned into dreadlocks, as my heavily textured hair tends to do when I don't wash it. Anyways, it was an experience... but I now know I am definitely not one who enjoys "roughing" it.

Here are some more photos from London! They were taken while wandering around Oxford and Bond Streets. Apparently some of my lovely readers saw me during my trip across the pond and I do SO wish you had come up and said hi!

(Talula blazer, Wilfred tank, vintage velvet bustier, DIY men's jeans, target shoes, thrifted belt)
Hope everyone else had a wonderful, and slightly more comfortable weekend than mine!

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