Thursday, July 2, 2009

leave the gun. take the cannoli.

Hey Loves!
As I write this I'm watching The Godfather with my family. I can't believe I've never seen this movie before, its incredible.
I picked up this Complex Geometries dress while in Montreal a few weeks ago at the most amazing store called Reborn. They have an online shop too, but if you're ever in Montreal I highly recommend stopping by. On top of being super chic, the sales staff were lovely and helpful, I can't say enough good things about my trip there.
Also, if you weren't convinced that I was a vampire before, these pictures are proof. I apologize for the blinding whiteness that is my skin.
I've gotten some requests to see more of my puppy Bella, so here she is: She's such a supermodel! This weekend will be a busy one for me. It's girls night out on Friday, hopefully I'll get some pictures because we've got quite the evening planned.
EV xx

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