Sunday, July 26, 2009

anarchy in the uk

Hello Loves,
I am sitting with my laptop half asleep as a write this, jet lag is killing me! My week in London was absolutely fabulous, I had the greatest time! Due to wonky hotel internet, I wasn't able to do any blogging, but I tried to keep everyone updated via twitter. The shopping was SO good to me in London. Seriously HUGE thank you's to everyone who recommended shopping areas to me, I scored the most incredible finds.. Camden and Portobello markets were a definite highlight, as well as the obvious Harrods, Joseph and, the holy grail of high street, Topshop. I can't wait to post some of the pieces I picked up.
The photies were taken around Portobello / Notting Hill area.

Wearing a Topshop crop top, thrifted plaid, Cheap Monday jeans and Office shoes.
I fell in total lust with these shoes after seeing them on the incredibly fashionable Shini at Park & Cube. To my absolute delight, I found them on sale for 30 pounds at a location off Bond St, they are definitely one of my favourite buys of the week! They're so comfortable, the only time I had trouble was on all that cobblestone... eek!
Hope everyone had a lovely week, xo EV

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