This is my last week of school before exams start! Needless to say I am very excited for summer yet anxious about the looming exams at the same time.
I've been doing a bunch of shopping online lately, so I'll have some pretty new things soon, my favourite being a skirt from Camille's shop, that should be arriving in the mail any day now. (sidenote: how jealous are we of her "swacket"? I am totally considering purchasing one for next fall).
I thought I'd take a break from outfit posts to show you some behind the scenes shots from a photoshoot last Saturday. The theme was Alice in Wonderland (which, coincidentally, I was for Halloween this year) and the two gorgeous red head sisters (aged 6 and 8) are the creepy mad hatters. They were troopers, even when the photographer had them in contortionist poses making creepy faces and doing evil laughs to the camera. When I was 6, I certainly wouldn't have had that confidence.
Thanks for reading, and watch out on April Fool's Day tomorrow!!