Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Behind the Scenes

Hello Everyone!
This is my last week of school before exams start! Needless to say I am very excited for summer yet anxious about the looming exams at the same time.
I've been doing a bunch of shopping online lately, so I'll have some pretty new things soon, my favourite being a skirt from Camille's shop, that should be arriving in the mail any day now. (sidenote: how jealous are we of her "swacket"? I am totally considering purchasing one for next fall).
I thought I'd take a break from outfit posts to show you some behind the scenes shots from a photoshoot last Saturday. The theme was Alice in Wonderland (which, coincidentally, I was for Halloween this year) and the two gorgeous red head sisters (aged 6 and 8) are the creepy mad hatters. They were troopers, even when the photographer had them in contortionist poses making creepy faces and doing evil laughs to the camera. When I was 6, I certainly wouldn't have had that confidence.
These pictures look like we were lounging the whole time, but it was a tough shoot, we were really moving around the entire time, crawling up on the table and hanging off it. I've seen a couple of the shots and they are incredible. Can't wait to see the final product after retouching!
Thanks for reading, and watch out on April Fool's Day tomorrow!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

we only got 60 minutes to change the world...

Hey all. I'm back in Toronto for the weekend and my internet is on the fritz so I haven't been able to get online for periods longer than a few minutes until now.
This weekend has been an exciting one. Today I did a really fun editorial photo shoot. The stylists were young and we had a great time together. I hope I get the pictures soon so I can post them. Because I'm in school in another city right now, I haven't been pursuing much modelling, however I do shoots every now and then when the right opportunity comes up or as a favour for a friend.
Tonight was earth hour! I hope you all participated. My family celebrated by having wine and cheese by the fireplace. Dad and I went for a walk around my area and were shocked about the amount of lights we still saw on. Naughty neighbours!
Anyways, before my poor puppy Bella went to the groomers, we took her for a walk in the beautiful weather and I wore this.

Four inch heels are best for traipsing through the forest, don't you think? Hah.
I just found these pants in my mother's closet, unworn with the tags still on. Sometimes the best vintage shopping is in your own home! I wanted to wear it with a prettier tank, but all my clothes are still at my house at school. Anyways, wearing a random white wife beater, mum's pants, Marc by Marc Jacobs aviators, H&M leather jacket and GoJane shoes, which I'm trying to break in.
Also, this is me (and my puppy, Bella) during Earth Hour:

If you live in Canada, you can probably guess which university I go to by my cardigan.

Did any of you participate in earth hour? If so, how?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"The Most Important Relationship...

... is the one you have with yourself." I love Diane von Furstenberg's catchphrase because it is just entirely true. When the pressures of life and school and social commitments feel like they're getting out of hand, sometimes the only person you can rely on is yourself. Thankfully, I always have my parents too, who are always there when I need advice or just to vent (hi mom and dad). I'm definitely feeling the pressure with school winding down. I can't believe next week is my last week of classes!!
It's time to start making summer plans now, though internship interviews approaching are very nerve wracking! A girl I used to work with has an internship with DvF this summer, and I am so excited for her. I'm hoping she meets Olivia Palermo, because I have a bit of a crush on her.
These pictures were taken by Dani on Sunday. We spent the afternoon getting tea and eating edamame at my favourite sushi restaurant here.
I'm wearing Made by Elves shoes, Cheap Monday acid wash jeans, Wilfred grey tank, Clu white shirt, Shades of Greige sweater, UO hat, thrifted and Kenneth Jay Lane bracelets, and unknown and Frank Gehry for Tiffany ring.

Anyways, I'm off to brew a pot of tea and get down to work! I have a very exciting weekend approaching that I can't wait to share with you all.
Thanks for reading, love.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

drunk and hot girls

This weekend has been a blur! Two of my best friends from Toronto came to visit me, and the weekend became an endless stream of partying, shopping, sleeping and eating out. After not going to bed until after four in the morning last night, I don't need to tell you how bad the bags under my eyes are today.

On Friday night, we drank wine and danced around while putting on makeup and picking out clothes for each other. We had a huge photo shoot when Dani played around with her fancy camera. I wore this:

Me and my beautiful photographer Dani

I wore an American Apparel tshirt (how much do you LOVE the new sheer ones?), Wolford tights and Sportmax heels. Bracelets are thrifted, Kitson and Kenneth Jay Lane. Dani is wearing a Lauren Moshi tank, Wilfred Skirt and Jessica Simpson shoes)

Hope your weekends were as good as mine was!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hills of the Emerald Isle

Hey Everyone!
I want to wish each and every one of you a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Even my nail polish is green! Later tonight the jeans come off and I'll wear this shirt as a dress with my favourite gold belt.
Right now I'm off to the campus pub for a beer with my girlfriends.
Have an awesome day.
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