Wednesday, March 30, 2011

early springtime

A few weeks ago I mentioned a few shoots that I'd been doing, so here are some of my favourites from one I did with my friend and favourite photographer Brittany Lucas (check out her Tumblr for more of her amazing photos). As some of you will remember she also took THESE and THESE photos of me. Along with stylist extraordinaire Amy Michelle Smith, we ventured into the extremely muddy and chilly High Park. As cold as it was wearing spring clothes, I had an amazing time with two awesome, creative girls.
Also, I want to mention (since yesterday I got the confirmation that it's truly happening!) that I'm going to be completing the last course of my degree at Oxford this summer! I'm so thankful for all the amazing opportunities that University of Toronto offers to its students, and feeling really blessed that I've been accepted to go! I don't know the exact dates yet, but I will be staying in Oxford for the month of August, then going to London for a few weeks and travelling throughout Europe during September and part of October. I'm really hoping to get a chance to do have a lot of blogger meet ups with my European blogging friends, and of course I'll be asking all of you for shopping/eating/going out recommendations when the time comes!
xx E

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