Saturday, August 13, 2011

stylestalker love

Finally feeling a little bit more settled in Oxford... I can't believe I've already been here for a week! It's absolutely flown by. Oxford is the most picturesque town I've ever visited, the architecture is unbelievable beautiful. I'm still trying to get my bearings, but will try to take some photos here to post soon. It's so strange readjusting to being back in school after having worked all summer long!
The lovely ladies at Stylestalker were kind enough to send me this dress. I absolutely love it, so lightweight and perfect for the hot summer weather in Toronto before I left... unlike here in Oxford where I am freezing all the time! I wore it to my farewell dinner before leaving. Also wearing my Repetto flats that I'm obsessed with... I wore them so much that I went back and bought the oxford lace up style in the same material! It's definitely the start of an addiction, I can't wait to visit the Repetto store when I'm in Paris next weekend.
xo E

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