Friday, August 26, 2011

Things that make you smile

Obviously only if you are a fat and jelluz cow... but as I so definitely am, It made me smile to see how that the Panty Mantis is back to looking so beeautifulle and seksy in Wellington....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a little bit of Oxford

Hello from Oxford! I've been so wrapped up in school, new friends and life in general in a new city, I've barely had any time to myself, let alone to spend blogging! I spent a weekend in Paris with my friend Lynsie this past weekend (pictures to come) and will be staying in London for the weekend coming up. I can barely believe I've been here for two weeks already... it feels like it's been five minutes. I don't have a proper outfit post, but here are a few images I've snapped during my stay here.

(1&2. Worcester College, where I'm staying, and some of the beautiful foliage that covers the grounds. 3. Punting along the Cherwell River with my friend Caroline, an Oxford tradition. 4. My new Toms x The Row collaboration shoes [a parting gift from my mummy] which I have been wearing almost every day. 9. Eating Ben's Cookies... a new addiction 11. Having a Guinness - my favourite pub drink 12. Worcester College again, and it's impeccably groomed lawn that you are NOT allowed to walk on)

x E

Saturday, August 13, 2011

stylestalker love

Finally feeling a little bit more settled in Oxford... I can't believe I've already been here for a week! It's absolutely flown by. Oxford is the most picturesque town I've ever visited, the architecture is unbelievable beautiful. I'm still trying to get my bearings, but will try to take some photos here to post soon. It's so strange readjusting to being back in school after having worked all summer long!
The lovely ladies at Stylestalker were kind enough to send me this dress. I absolutely love it, so lightweight and perfect for the hot summer weather in Toronto before I left... unlike here in Oxford where I am freezing all the time! I wore it to my farewell dinner before leaving. Also wearing my Repetto flats that I'm obsessed with... I wore them so much that I went back and bought the oxford lace up style in the same material! It's definitely the start of an addiction, I can't wait to visit the Repetto store when I'm in Paris next weekend.
xo E

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Date Night!

You will notice Ive maintained a discrete silence as photos of the Panty Mantis and Flynkerr abound over the net. But these photos are deserve a brief mention I feel (from her apparently romantic "date" night)

During Dinner the PM takes an important phone call and strategically provides a visual demonstration of the challenge of stringing a coherent sentence together:

When it comes to bill time she reinforces; rightly deciding that pulling a face that says " I couldnt even read the bill if you gave it to me, never mind pay it" will pull her neatly out of the driving seat:

Well played PM, If only i was even the tiniest bit convinced this was all an act and not just your natural facial expressions when presented with the challenges of everyday life.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

bye bye birdie

I wanted to put up a quick post before heading to the airport in a few hours. As of right now, my suitcase is still ten pounds overweight and I have no idea what to eliminate - every item feels like an essential! Posting from the UK might be a bit sporatic at first, but I'll try to keep you updated on my travels. Let me know what sort of things you'd like to see (whether it be recent purchases, city views, photo diaries etc) and please let me know of any amazing restaurants, shops and nightlife spots that I need to visit. Wish me bon voyage!
(Wearing: vintage dress, Dooney and Bourke bag, Jeffrey Campbell boots, Pixie Market sunglasses) xx E
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