Orlando sadly hasn't just signed up to take a starring role in Perry Mason: the younger, thinner and better looking version!
According to numerous sources on the net this morning, Orli is due to testify next week against the gang that robbed him along with La Lohan and other hollywooders.
I started off by feeling a little conflicted by this: One the one hand Orlando in a courtroom is kind of hot (see above) - my imagination has obviously got carried away in a wild flight of fancy and imagined that he may turn up having had a shave and being in something other than THAT green t-shirt. In fact looking like he did for Extras... nice!
On the other hand, hot or not, I can't help wondering what evidence is he planning to give! He wasn't there at the time of the robbery, he was busy in New York attending to his pet panty mantis, is he going to give them a list of whats been nicked? If he already knew the robbers, I guess he could say that - but I still cant see why the courtroom would need to hear that from him personally, I'm sure he's given copious witness statements already plus none of the other celebs seem to be appearing courtroom side.
Then the penny dropped...(and you'll forgive me for being a bit slow, it was rather a late night last night) Of course, the publicity!
Orlando has been appearing on google alerts for two main reasons recently: His misguided attempts to play nicely with his panty mantis in various capital cities of the world and the fact his house and his watch collected were robbed.
Considering we've just had rumour 157 about our happy couple getting engaged, he's obviously worked out how to capitalise on the first one. This witness appearance is obviously his idea for capitalising on the second..
I say "Go Orlando" - this courtroom thing is infinitely preferable to dragging yourself round Paris in front of a team of photographers looking like you having a public breakdown all in the name of 'twu luuuuurve"
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