Sunday, November 29, 2009

Eco minded

Suffering the ever growing guilt from causing too much waste, not recycling enough, emitting too many carbon gases? At least you can feel guilt free in a Marilyn Munroe eat your heart out onsey from My Sister Pat. These cute keenies are constructed from recycled vintage fabrics and 100% made in Australia.
Have a guilt free summer.

C & M Swim

Skip the bio. So stoked on these designs. Left field prints, bright summer hues and stunning cuts. I'm off to hunt them down right now. Thanks Camilla & Marc. Refreshing.

T minus one

One day to go....
Farewell to the unpredictable spring day, hello long hot summer.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Eye candy

We all love Tigerlily, so here's some eye candy for a sunny Saturday.
Enjoy the beach today!

Hats off

So kitch. Yet so stunning.
If only I had hair worth keeping dry.

Word play

Cute keenies and a clever name!
Inikib...that'll keep you thinking for a minute.

A semi-palindrome perhaps?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sneaky peeky

A little sneak peek behind the scenes of Tavik's 2010 range.
Super cute keenies in the blackest blacks and the brightest brights the order of the day.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mustang Sally

I heart keenies


Tap into your inner metal .... Victoria's Secret.

A & B

Anna & Boy's November drop is here. Smiley summer inspiration seeping through from the days of retro wallpaper, 70's surf films and yellowing polaroid photos.
Gidget eat your heart out.


Hi All,
I've been getting back into Polaroid pictures lately. The grainy quality seems to capture some moments better than any high tech digital camera. Thankfully, I stocked up on film when I heard they were ending production on it. Here are some shots that I like from this past month.

(1. At a photo shoot, 2. Trying out my new hat, 3. Me and Danielle in Montreal, 4. Getting hair and makeup done at a photo shoot, 5. My best friend Chris is a rock star, 6. Trying out my new whistle necklace)

P.S. Yesterday my laptop went to computer heaven, and took with it all my pictures, including what was meant to be today's outfit post. Please excuse the delay as I'm still in a state of mourning.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

waste the day with me

This month has been one of the busiest of my life, and consequentially, my blogging time has been cut to a minimum. In the past few weeks I've done 5 photoshoots, 2 interviews, had friends from out of town staying at my flat, exams and essays coming out my ears, attended some fabulous events and gone out drinking and dancing till sunrise. I n s a n i t y!!
I have these leather leggings in a couple different colours and I've been living in them this fall. My outfits have been low key lately due to constantly being in a rush, running all around the city. These wedge boots from Zara have saved my life, easy to run to catch a cab in, but chic enough to wear to a meeting.
Last week I attended the Flare 30th Anniversary Gala (for you non-Canadians, Flare is a fashion magazine that I interned at this past summer). Because I was working the event, I got the chance to see and meet all kinds of Canadian celebs, athletes, socialites and designers. They had a photobooth that my friend Lynsie and I hit up at the end of the evening.
Also, I'm featured under 2 more American Apparel pieces! Check them out here and here! Regular blogging and comment returning to resume as soon as things start to slow down a bit.
<3 E

Thursday, November 12, 2009

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