Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dr. Bloom

First things first!

Congratulations to Orlando on managing to rock the Batman outfit that is UK academic dress - thats an extremely bright red he's got on AND he's managed to wear a suit - something that was causing me concern (I had visions of him turning up in his normal attire.....)

Sonia and Colin look well proud, but its Sam's face I like the most - if thats not a big sister WTF moment, I don't know what is...

I think congratulations are in order for the Panty Mantis too, after literally years of ribbing from us jellus cowz about how she is singularly absent from any photos involving OB's family - she's finally struck gold - admittedly she had to get engaged to him and fly half way round the world to do it - but she's managed it - Well done PM, hopefully we'll all go away now eh??

one final thing - I'm glad this moment was shared with our happy couples fav. paparazzo Mr Big - I wonder if he will be doing the wedding shots!

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