Monday, May 17, 2010

A Quiet couple of days

I've got very little to add on the Panty Mantis' recent PR blow out - other than she's back being Orlando Blooms Girlfriend - glad to see Mr. Kerr didn't last long!!!!

There really isn't much to post on regarding Orlando (though that gospel of truth had him in San Diego - apparently the tweeter was rather suprised to see the Panty mantis with her clothes on, I know just how she feels....)

One bit of news though: apparently the three Musketeers is apparently going to be produced in 3D (isn't everything these days....). I haven't ever seen a 3D film (i've always thought a new gimick...) but 3D Orlando has gotta be worth checking out...

Maybe OB is preparing for the Jerry B Fest in a week or so's time...

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