Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008


Remember Jon B ... How 'Bout 'Bear'?

He's temporarily brain-dead

That One Friend ... that wears anything for attention

You know that one friend who wears WTF they want to??? Don't cha hate that? Meanwhile her girlfriends smile begrudgingly, just to be nice.

Keeping up with the Effin' Kardashians

Such a lovely family, and great table manners. LOL.

The Most Airbrushed Chicks in the Game

Ever wonder how YOU have to have stretch marks on your butt but those awesome chicks in the magazine and on TV don't? It's a farce. It's called airbrushing.

Wow, it's amazing what technology can do these days. She looks flawless in the pics above, while below some reality rears its ugly head. I ain't mad, tho. Get it girl!

And why is Trick Daddy the most beat-up-lookin' rap artist of all time? Dude looks like he got ejected from a car every time we see him.

Is the tummy on the left live or Memorex? Or is it the lighting? Stretch marks do b disappearing if you hit them with the right light.

Coincidence ... or BIIIG Hip-hop Conspiracy?

I like big. Bulges and i can't deny you other brothers ...."

In celebration of the new B.I.G. movie that is premiering soon, here's a few shots of artists giving love to the big 'uns!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Any Wonder Why They Call Her 'Red'?

One thing for sure, you will never, ever, ever confuse her for somebody else. I think she's beautiful, but that's just me.

Trailer for "Notorious" B.I.G. movie

It's like Buttafly Baby

I had to post this pic when I ran across it. The photographer obviously has an imagination. What do you think?

You, Me and He: What To Do Now?

These jump-offs are getting bold.
My husband, he and this floozy he "knows from school"?
What is up with the subculture behind 3 being a couple? Not me, not us, not never.

What's up, world!

Welcome to Pink Cookies!!!
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