Friday, March 19, 2010

Not again Orlando.

According to Jared Orli is back in LA. Now I may have this wrong (being in the UK and last having been to New York when i was 13) but if memory serves they have shops in New York? That being the case WHY OH WHY is Orlando wearing the same bloody outfit AGAIN....

His hair looks better (so I'm assuming he's not Hydrophobic as it looks like its been washed) but who in their right mind puts the same clothes back on they have been wearing for over a week...

I'm sorry, I love the man 'n all but this is just not cool..... its not even a great outfit, St Patrick's day has been and gone (in case thats why he switches to green at this time of year and only has one green top)

Orli, just in case you've been told otherwise.... shopping is not an exclusively female domain... plenty of guys do it and still manage to look macho (and they aren't petrol heads and banging a panty mantis so you probably have the edge...)

Final point: Its very sweet that he apparently stopped and signed autographs for everyone that was waiting BUT isn't it lucky that there were people brandishing Orlando pictures for his autograph signing, imagine the embarassment if they'd had ones of RPatz for example and OB showed up..... just sayin....

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